Investing in NDIS SDA Property
The NDIA, or National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA,) is fully Government backed by legislation that requires agreement from all States and Territories before any changes are made.
To encourage investment in SDA Property, the NDIA provides a generous rental subsidy. This scale of this building project is the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.
The Government has committed $700m annually for payments to SDA property investors, indexed for the next 20 years. This commitment gives investors peace of mind, confidence, and investment security.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a Federal Act developed in 2013 to allow people with a disability to exercise choice and control about matters that affect them – such as their housing. SDA housing is housing built to a standard not readily available in the general housing supply, and suitably for those with… [ Learn More ]
The Australian Government's NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) has created a demand for high-quality Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). While the specialist nature of the housing usually requires a slightly higher entry cost, the return is significantly higher than traditional residential housing, and the SDA property is backed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Want… [ Learn More ]